Mason Hinton Senior Photography| LSA Decatur, IL

November 4, 2014
Mason Hinton Senior

I get to share a pretty awesome guy with all of you today! I met with Mason and his mom and dad late this summer to plan out a time for his senior photography session. Mason is another of my LSA seniors and you know how much I love that I already know these guys and gals a little bit before their session arrives because I see them at school and various sporting events throughout the years. But it is so awesome and such an honor to get to know them more through their senior photography sessions!

I feel like high school-ers have a lot on their plates! They have school work and sports and extra-curriculars and some of them juggle jobs too! It’s crazy! I think it’s really neat though when one of these young adults figures out the one thing they really love and focus all their energy on that. For Mason – that one thing is baseball! And he’s phenomenal at it! He pitches a mean game for the LSA Baseball team and focuses his eye on hitting the ball out of the park!

With his love for baseball – it made perfect sense that we met at LSA to get some great shots of him in his baseball gear on their newly built (well still being built) baseball diamond. The Hinton’s are pretty excited that Mason will be getting to play on the field his senior year so it was really awesome to document the field being built along with Mason’s passion for the game.

In addition to baseball, Mason loves his pick up truck and his bulldog, Cookie. I love a pick up truck and it’s always fun to shoot a guy with his truck. Add his favorite dog to the mix and I’m a happy camper! Cookie was super good! She wasn’t a big fan of the tailgate of the pick up because it was too slick so we put her back in the bed with Mason and got some really great portraits of the two of them together.

It was such a joy to get to work with this family and I’m so thrilled to have gotten to know Mason and his parents better! Such wonderful and awesome people! I can’t wait to start working on Mason’s album but until then – here’s a little peek at a few of their favorites!

Mason Hinton SeniorMason Hinton SeniorMason Hinton SeniorMason Hinton Senior

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