Behind the Scenes Peek at the Creation of Fine Art Piece Hope
In the busyness of current life and lack of the right conditions for the current shot I have in my mind, I thought I’d share with you the first fine art piece I put together. This is where my The Journey series started and it’s interesting to me that the first piece I created was entitled, Hope. How interesting that this is where the story of this series begins… Because honestly, hope is what keeps you trying, especially during infertility. Hope is what keeps you hanging on.
My series began because I had been watching Brooke Shaden on CreativeLive. (I’m a huge fan of CreativeLive’s educational courses.) After finishing her program I was super inspired and curious to see what I could do. I had done some simple composite work in my portrait work, but I’d never done anything like this where I actually built an art piece from multiple images. Honestly, it started as just me playing, but the more I got into it, the more I felt like I ahd a direction and idea I wanted to create.
You can seen the full background of this image in my previous post, but today I wanted to share the photoshop work with you – actually going through each layer for it’s creation. I hope you enjoy this sneak peek!