Dear future Birth Mom, We haven’t met yet. I don’t know your name or what you look like. I don’t know where you live or what your life looks like. I don’t know if you are carrying our child already or if he/she has yet to be conceived. But none of that seems to stop …
The Journal

I decided it was about time we did another What to Wear Wednesday! I personally have an obsession with graphic tees right now. I love where shirts that speak up about a cause or allow me to express my inner geek. And there is an abundance of options for people like me right now because …

Ryan, my hubby, and I spend a lot of time talking. We tend to be thinkers and can often end up in these long conversations about the most random things. Lately, we’ve been talking a lot about leaders or bosses and what makes a good one. I think we’ve all experienced a bad boss or …
Oh my gosh, you guys! I’m so excited to talk about GISHWHES! So you may recall from last week that GISHWHES stands for the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen. It’s a massive scavenger Hunt that takes place the first week of August. Players compete from anywhere in the world, including their …
So I’m going to be honest and just admit that I didn’t have a blog post ready for today. I got swept up in other writing projects. (I know, I know – I am truly sorry.) But I was going through old posts I hadn’t shared yet and came across this one. I wrote this …
You know, we talk about your clothes, your shoes, and even your accessories when it comes to what to wear for your portrait sessions. But there is one very important piece that I have yet to talk to you about. Your glasses! So many people these days wear glasses as a regular part of their …
Today I get to share an awesome senior stud with all of you! Sam is one of my St. Teresa seniors this year, and I could not be happier to work with him. I love working with seniors who attend the schools I work with. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to get to …
Well, July sure zipped by fast and here we are in August with a new issue of THRIVE! I’m sure you guys have figured out by now that I really love working with THRIVE. All these awesome ladies are just phenomenal and I have so much fun at each of our monthly meetings as we …
So… you may or may not know that the hubby and I are pretty big nerds. Don’t worry, though – we’re proud of our nerdiness Well thanks to our love for Supernatural… we ended up discovering gishwhes last year. Unfortunately, by the time we found out about it – we were too late to …
Oh guys! This session was so much fun! I have been wanting to photograph this beautiful gal for quite some time now. Rachel is one of my friends from Renaissance, her unique style and spunky personality (and oh my gosh – her amazing hair!) has completely fascinated me. And being a photographer, I of course …