Emma’s Fine Art Piece: Sunshine Soul
It’s been a little bit since I shared one of these and I’m so excited to get to share one with you for Miss Emma! When I made that rainbow baby fine art piece for Alanna this summer, I realized just how much I love creating these custom works of art… and I’ve been trying to push myself more to create one of these for every session I do. Emma had wanted to do part of her session in a sunflower field but the timing between when the fields were in bloom and when we scheduled her session didn’t work out. So it got me brainstorming of ways to make it happen and this image idea was born.
While I was thinking about what I wanted to do for this I started thinking about how Emma said yellow is not only her favorite color but also a word to describe herself. Sunshine… she’s sunshine… And sunflowers do this super cool thing when they’re growing where they shift to face the sun. Well if Emma is sunshine – these flowers in the field should be facing her… and that is the idea for this image!
So… creating it was fun. I actually started by looking for the stock background I wanted. Now honestly – I prefer not to use stock photos, but in this case I didn’t have that option. Thankfully, there are a lot of stock photo sites out there that provide excellent options. I found the background options I thought I might use. Now this is important because it helped me determine what angle and lighting set up to use when taking Emma’s photos. For Emma’s part of the shoot – we actually just shot on a simple white backdrop to make it easy to cut her out and place her into the stock photo. And then we utilized an awesome big artificial sunflower from Hobby Lobby and photographed it from a variety of different angles. And then the photoshop fun began!
Here’s a peek at a video of how I pieced this image together
And here’s the final image!
I had SO much fun creating this piece for Emma! If you’d like to work together to create a beautiful and unique piece of art – I’d love to get together and chat!