I am so excited to announce our first ever Christmas Limited Edition Session at the Four E’s Tree Farm in Mt. Zion! Whether you are looking to update some family portraits, get your own custom Christmas Cards, or get the jump on your Christmas Tree purchase this year, our Limited Edition Christmas session may be …
The Journal
I am so excited to get to share this handsome young man’s senior session with you today! Nathan is one of my senior stud’s from St. Teresa High School and I’ve known this talented guy for quite a while now. Nathan’s involved in drama, football, baseball, and he also excels in his classwork too – …
This past Friday evening, I made the trek into Decatur for the LSA Homecoming game. It was SUPER cold, but the football players were pumped and ready to go! And there were tons of parents, students and alumni there to support the team. It was a tough game but the boys played hard and it …
Today I get to share my own family session with you! It is so easy as a photographer to forget to take time to get behind the camera from time to time. But I knew my mom had been wanting some updated family portraits for him home and with Stacey officially becoming a part of …
As I started editing portraits of a beautiful senior girl this morning I find myself overwhelmed with a feeling of insane gratitude! It’s funny that at the beginning of the year this year I was worried. Worried that the phone wouldn’t ring or the emails wouldn’t come in and that sessions wouldn’t get scheduled. And …
Today’s the day I get to show off Mat and Katie’s beautiful wedding day with all of you! It was such a privilege to be a part of their special day and get to document the love these two share. Our day began at St. Pat’s Catholic Church in Decatur, IL. Mat & Katie decided …
Well the rain Saturday caused my senior session to have to be rescheduled, which is always a HUGE bummer. But it gave me the chance to catch up on some things and relax a little with my pups and my hubby. When I first started this crazy adventure into owning my own business, I was …
I am so excited to be sharing Hilary Lohrstorfer’s Bridal Shower with you all today. I was thrilled and honored to be invited to her shower to capture the fun from the day! I adore both of the Lohrstorfer girls and I’m so thrilled for HIlary and her soon to be hubby. They make such …
I am super excited to share this pretty little girl with you today! I can hardly believe how big this sweet little lady has gotten! It seems like just last month I was taking her 3 month old photos and here we are at one year old and she’s walking, practically running, and jabbering away …
I am so thrilled to share this awesome couple’s wedding day with all of you! It was an absolute JOY getting to know Tyson and Kathleen and an HONOR to help capture their special day! These two are so much fun! They know how to have a blast, and they truly enjoy each other’s company. …