Impromptu Fur Baby Shoot

October 9, 2013

Well the rain Saturday caused my senior session to have to be rescheduled, which is always a HUGE bummer. But it gave me the chance to catch up on some things and relax a little with my pups and my hubby. When I first started this crazy adventure into owning my own business, I was just eager to get anyone and everyone in my door. But as more clients started calling, I realized that there was less and less time for me to simply enjoy life. I get swept up in the idea of being ‘successful’ and lost sight of what my definition of what successful really was.

These days I remind myself daily of what my business goals are and why I chose to do this for a living. I’m not here to be famous or exceedingly busy. I don’t need to be the “it” photographer either. I chose to become a photographer because I wanted to make a difference and I wanted to be able to spend time with my family so that some day I could be a working from home mom for my kids. So one thing I’ve been doing to help me not get caught up in the rat race is taking my camera out and shooting just for me… and it has been an amazing experience.

There is something so insanely wonderful about reminding yourself of why you started doing something to begin with. Of taking the time to step back and really looking for those little details that make your days perfect. So since my Saturday session got rained out, I decided to take some portraits of my pups. I haven’t specifically taking them out for photographs in a while and I had a shot in particular I wanted to get. So while it was cloudy and dreary – I took the pooches out front and had a little fun….

Well it may have been more fun for me than for them… As evidence by Lucy’s face… Yes even dogs can get tired of having their picture taken.

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And this picture cracks me up too because every time I take their pictures I get at least one that looks like this. Apparently they don’t want to get caught looking at each other… or even the same direction.

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Lucy is not a fan of storms… So when it thunders she gets a little concerned…

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And in spite of his efforts to hide it – Kit does care about her – so he came over to check on her.

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My Lucy girl always has one paw tucked up like this.

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Almost there… Getting close to the shot I was looking for…

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And here it is! My greeter dogs! They are always excited to meet new people. Kit is actually a little too excited to meet new people.

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Well I hope you enjoyed this little peek at my furbabies and my front porch. I hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday!

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