I wanted to start a new series on the journal. Nothing fancy. Just something fun for me. I feel like we so often rush through life that we fail to embrace and notice the details of the little moments throughout the day. So I want to slowly start documenting the little details and moments in …
The Journal
I’m so excited to share this awesome family with all of you today. I’ve known Joli for quite a while now. She was the associate creative director at Jones and Thomas when I was an intern there for about 4 or 5 years. Now I’m blessed to get to work with her again through THRIVE. …
Here in the midwest, fall is truly the most popular time of the year for family and senior portraits. And it’s no wonder with all the gorgeous trees changing colors and the cooler temperatures. As you start thinking about updating your photos or capturing those Christmas card worthy images, you might be feeling overwhelmed with …
You know, we talk about your clothes, your shoes, and even your accessories when it comes to what to wear for your portrait sessions. But there is one very important piece that I have yet to talk to you about. Your glasses! So many people these days wear glasses as a regular part of their …
Today I get to share an awesome senior stud with all of you! Sam is one of my St. Teresa seniors this year, and I could not be happier to work with him. I love working with seniors who attend the schools I work with. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to get to …
Well, July sure zipped by fast and here we are in August with a new issue of THRIVE! I’m sure you guys have figured out by now that I really love working with THRIVE. All these awesome ladies are just phenomenal and I have so much fun at each of our monthly meetings as we …
Oh guys! This session was so much fun! I have been wanting to photograph this beautiful gal for quite some time now. Rachel is one of my friends from Renaissance, her unique style and spunky personality (and oh my gosh – her amazing hair!) has completely fascinated me. And being a photographer, I of course …
On Monday this week, I was incredibly honored to be asked to speak at the Stephen Decatur Rose Society meeting. Actually, they wanted to be sure I was free so they asked me if I would be free to speak way back in January. I’ve given presentations to 8th graders, high school students, and other …
Words cannot begin to express how special this session is today and how incredibly ecstatic I am to finally get to share this with all of you! Those of you who’ve followed my journal for any length of time have undoubtedly seen Dan and Erin many times. I’ve been blessed to photograph these two gorgeous …
I’m doing something a little different today and just sitting in front of the camera and sharing some thoughts with you all over on my YouTube channel. Forgive me if I’m not fantastic at this – I’m an introvert by nature and talking isn’t my strong suit. Writing has always been a far easier way …