I feel like as a photographer, there is always something more you could use to really have fun with your work. And it seems there is a never ending plethora of props, backdrops, actions, templates and gear to keep any photographer constantly finding something new and exciting. I am no different in that regard. I’d …
The Journal
Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone has stayed safe and warm with this reason bout of cold, crazy winter weather! Ryan and I were quite efficiently stuck until yesterday afternoon. As I’ve mentioned before – one of the pros and cons of living in the country is getting snowed in. With the wide open spaces …
Wow! It honestly is super hard to believe we’ve already reached the end of 2013 and have now entered the new year. Where on Earth did this year go?As it is the dawning of a new day and year, and I’m off celebrating Christmas with my grandma, I thought today would be the perfect day …
Well hello there world! If you’ve stopped by my little corner of the internet – you may have noticed some things look a little different 😉 I’m super excited for this coming year and all the possibilities it holds! You may or may not know we are going to have some awesome changes in 2014 …
It seems I’m a little behind today for getting today’s post to all you. I promise! I have a good reason! hehehe Today’s been another day of a lot of behind the scenes work. I’ve been doing my darnedest to make sure everyone who placed their order in time is getting them before Christmas. I …
Hello all! Lately I’ve been working a lot behind the scenes. Not just on orders for the labs and packaging orders as they come in, but I’ve also been working a lot on the business too. I’ve got some exciting ideas for next year and a few changes in store. And if you know me …
So you may have seen me share a couple sessions of some of our awesome couples and you may have seen me call them Beloved sessions. Well it occurred to me last night that I probably should explain what a Beloved session is and why I’m so excited to be doing more sessions this way! …
I am busily working on getting orders ready for the lab, editing sessions, and designing all kinds of goodies – so I thought today I’d share a little about one of the awesome services we provide for our clients. There are many reasons why I love having you come to one of our studios to …
I am so excited to announce our first ever Christmas Limited Edition Session at the Four E’s Tree Farm in Mt. Zion! Whether you are looking to update some family portraits, get your own custom Christmas Cards, or get the jump on your Christmas Tree purchase this year, our Limited Edition Christmas session may be …
As I started editing portraits of a beautiful senior girl this morning I find myself overwhelmed with a feeling of insane gratitude! It’s funny that at the beginning of the year this year I was worried. Worried that the phone wouldn’t ring or the emails wouldn’t come in and that sessions wouldn’t get scheduled. And …