A Decision Making Realization…

December 19, 2013

Hello all! Lately I’ve been working a lot behind the scenes. Not just on orders for the labs and packaging orders as they come in, but I’ve also been working a lot on the business too. I’ve got some exciting ideas for next year and a few changes in store. And if you know me – you know that I’m an incredibly indecisive person… Okay well that’s not entirely true. A more accurate way to explain it would be to say that I am slow to make BIG decisions. While to the average person a color adjustment or a font change might not seem like a big deal – but in truth it can make a HUGE difference on the look and feel of your brand, which can in turn alter how people perceive you. … That’s a pretty powerful decision!

So as is my habit, I’ve asked everyone under the sun what they think about some of the adjustments I’m looking at making. I’ve texted, emailed and share on Instagram… I’ve asked friends, family, clients, and colleagues. All because I was so overwhelmed by this decision I was trying to make. And as is often the case, opinions run the gamut. I was consistently getting tied votes for the options along with little suggestions here and there. Everyone has ideas and I love getting various perspectives. I have a lot of business professionals who’s opinions I greatly respect, as well as family and friends and clients who I know get me and my business & who’s opinions I value too.

The one thing I’m realizing though is – you have to do YOU! I’ve had some super cool, successful, and awesome people give me their suggestions. Some of the responses literally made my day! And in spite of everything I was still finding myself confused and undecided. Sometimes I feel like it’s so easy to allow yourself to get pulled a million directions, feel overwhelmed, and just want to pick someone and do whatever they tell you. But you know what? They aren’t you. And they don’t know what’s going to feel right to you or what accurately represents your business. And that’s okay because you don’t necessarily know what’s going to accurately represent them and their business.

I think this is something that can definitely be a struggle for new business owners. You have so many doubts and a lot of times you’re not really sure who you are yet – at least not as a business. It’s so easy (when you’re still figuring things out) to get sucked into an idea because someone successful has told you that’s what you should do. But the truth is – no one knows you like YOU. Sit with it and let it marinate. In time you’ll find what feel’s right and that’s what you should do. Don’t jump the gun or rush it. Wait until that still quiet voice says “this speaks to who I am.” And that’s when you’ll know it’s right.

That’s what I’ve had to remind myself to do a lot this week. I wanted to rush the process and make progress. But at the same time I knew that if I did that I’d end up needing to make adjustments later. So instead I’m working on these new projects in bite-sized chunks, taking my time, and making sure I get it right the first time. I’ll be honest though – I’m really excited to share some of these changes and improvements with all of you! I think 2014 is going to hold a lot of exciting things!


Happy Thursday everybody!

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