Why Professional Prints Cost More Than Convenience Store Prints

February 18, 2011

Over and over again I hear people question how a photographer can charge X amount of dollars for a 4×6 when it only costs $0.29 to print off a 4×6 at Wal-Mart or your local convenience store. While at first this may seem like a logical question, there are many reasons a professional photographers prints cost more than they ones you print off yourself.

First of all, let’s consider the print itself. When you take your memory card or flash drive to your convenience store to print your pictures, they are being printed much in the same way you would print off a document on your inkjet printer at home. Whereas a professional photographer sends their digital files off to a professional lab where the prints are actually developed chemically onto high quality paper. Paper that is guaranteed to last for a lifetime unlike your convenience store’s photo paper. So not only are you getting better quality paper, you’re also getting a better quality print just in the way it’s processed.

Your photographer is also more than likely going to roll the retouching fee into the cost of the print. Most photographers these days retouch all images before sending them off to their lab. Your photographer wants to do everything possible to provide you with truly outstanding images and they will most likely retouch your images to help do this. They may add a bit more pop to the color. Maybe they’re editing out some blemishes. Whatever the case may be, the additional time spent making your pictures perfect will be factored into the cost of each individual print.

But most importantly, your paying for your photographers unique skill set. You aren’t buying paper or ink. You’re buying a piece of art. Something only your photographer could see. Something that only they would be able to perfectly capture in that one instant of time. While anyone can grab a camera and snap a picture, a true professional has developed their own unique eye and spent years honing their skills. That’s what you are really paying for when your photographer’s 4×6 cost more than a print from Wal-Mart.

Maybe your own snapshots are a good enough representation for you of your family, but for those who want quality photos that truly capture the essence of who they are, professional photos are well worth the extra expense. You’re not only paying for higher quality prints and paper, but also for retouching services and most importantly the skills and expertise and artistry of a professional.

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