This Week at the Gagnon House

August 17, 2010

I pulled out my calendar on Friday last week and realized that I have absolutely no photo shoots scheduled for this week. Quite honestly I have mixed feelings about it, but I think the wife in me is elated.

I love photo shoots! It makes my day helping people capture special events or just a certain time in their life. But what most people don’t realize is how much time actually goes into every shoot I do. The week of your photo shoot, I may be brainstorming up ideas or scouting out new locations. Most of my shoots last between one to two hours. Then I go home and spend the next three to four days (12 hours per day) working on your pictures. Once I get your photos all edited I then spend another two hours loading them up to the web.

As you can guess this means on weeks when I have two to three shoots I’m incredibly busy and it keeps me from getting things done around the house. Which is why the wife in me is so excited about this week. I’m doing some intense scrubbing on my house; I’m going to start organizing my office area; and I’m getting some personal projects done.

One of the personal projects I’m working on is actually for the business. I’ve decided to modify the pricing system a little bit so I’m putting together a book to help illustrate the benefits of this new system as well as to show some of the new products I’m going to be able to offer my clients. I’m actually very excited about it and can’t wait to share it with my clients. When the book comes in – I’ll probably post up some photos to give you a little sneak peek.

I’ll be back tomorrow with a new post, but I’m off today to get some more work done around the house! 🙂
See you tomorrow!

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