This Week…

August 24, 2010
Hello all. I have a busy week ahead of me this week. Senior photo session today for Max Vespa, family photos in Allerton Park on Saturday and One Year Old pictures on Sunday. It’s been a little over a week since my last official photo session so I’m looking forward to getting back into what I love.

I have not been idle during the course of the last week though. The hubby and I have been working on getting some things done around the house. Our garbage company finally dropped one of those big dumpsters off at the house later last week. So we started tossing all the materials from re-roofing into the dumpster, along with the old screen door we replaced and a bunch of old garbage from the barn. With each little project we accomplish, I feel like our house is becoming more and more our home.

I also some design work to do this past week. I create a lot of the marketing materials for Macon County 4-H and Extension, and I got a phone call last week asking me to work up some logo ideas for Macon County 4-H & Extension Foundation. So I had some fun working on that and brainstorming. It was nice getting to be a little more abstract with my concepts this time.

I got some work done for my business as well. I have almost finished the book I mentioned on here previously. It’s going to break down my pricing method and explain the post-processing system. I’m actually really excited about completing it so that I can move forward with the modified pricing system.

I also updated the website with a few new pictures and I’m working on a couple new pages for it as well. One of the pages should be up some time in the next few weeks. The other page will be a little further down the road since I’m going to have to arrange a photo session in order to do it.

The last thing I’ve been working on is a project idea. I really enjoy giving and helping others. I’ve been trying to come up with a way to give my photographic services to a worthy cause and I think I might have come up with it. I’m not going to elaborate on it just yet. I want to get the kinks worked out of it first and see if there is any interest.

Well that’s it for today. I’m starting to get ready for Max’s pictures.

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