Let Go and Let God

August 25, 2010

When I was in high school there was this Christian Retreat we could go on called TEC, which stands for Teens Encounter Christ. It was a wonderfully uplifting experience and from it I learned the phrase, “Let Go and Let God.” The idea being – let go of your worries, your fears, your hurts and let God take care of you.

I don’t know about you, but letting go of worries isn’t always easy. It’s incredibly easy to start worrying about all manner of things – what if I don’t make enough money this year, what if my husband gets laid off, what if the kids get hurt at school. But I’m trying to gain this kind of peace in my life where I let my worries fade into the background.

I know I’m not perfect and I don’t claim to be. I make mistakes just like everyone else. But I always try to be honest with people whether they are my family, friends, or clients. I just feel like life is so much simpler if everyone is honest with each other. And then you don’t have to worry about what someone else is thinking because you just know.

What I find frustrating though is when I feel like someone isn’t being honest with me. When they’re hiding their true feelings from me or saying things behind my back. It hurts my feelings when I feel as though I’ve done everything I can to remedy a problem and they would rather throw it all away than work on the problems. But what bothers me most is when I can’t understand why. I really try to put myself in the other person’s shoes, try to see the situation through their eyes. But I am only human and I can only figure out so much without some insight into the problem.

So I’m letting go of the worries and hurt. I’m handing them over to God and letting him help me move forward. I can’t change a person and I can’t force them to share with me. I can only be a good Christian woman and act in a way I think God would approve of. That is all we can ever ask of ourselves.

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