The Fisher Family Photography | Decatur, IL

September 11, 2015
Fisher Girls Tea Party

I cannot begin to tell you how very special this session is. Katrina is one of my very dear friends and I consider myself exceedingly blessed to call her that. She is sweet, intelligent, hard working, talented, artistic, strong in her faith, and one of the most amazing women I’ve ever met. She is also very family-minded and so I had heard her talk about her mom and sisters a lot. In the past few months her mom, Peggy, had some health issues arise, & Katrina told me how her mom was splitting her fancy dishes and tea set among the girls. Of course, Peggy raised some beautifully thoughtful young ladies and they thought it would be so much fun to throw their mom a surprise tea party using her china. (Is that not the sweetest thing you’ve ever heard?)

I met with Katrina and her younger sister, Rose, and we talked about the plans for the tea party – where it was going to be at, the timing of the party, and what kind of photographs they were hoping for. The day of the tea party arrived before we knew it! Katrina and her older sister, Rebbecca worked on setting up the tea party and the two younger sisters, Rose and Alena, helped their momma get all dressed and primped for the occasion. I got myself set up so that I could get some detail shots of the beautiful arrangement and of Peggy when she first saw the surprise.

It was such a joy watching these five beautiful women enjoy their time together, laughing, chatting, and having a good time. Peggy is such a lovely lady! So full of joy and life, even in spite of the trials of the past few months. And she raised these four stunning young women! And you can see so much of her in each of them. That same joy, humor, artistic vision, kindness, beauty, … I could go on and on. We did take a minor pause from the tea party to sneak outside and get some group photos for the girls with some greenery behind them. And then I let them get back to enjoying their time together.

Now… we never know what God’s timing is for us or his plan for our lives. But He certainly had a hand in this special moment because few short days later, Peggy went to meet Jesus. I can’t even imagine how difficult this is for those four girls how adored their mother. But I can tell you that we are all lucky to have them here. Because each one of Peggy’s daughters – Rebbecca, Katrina, Rose, and Alena – they each carry some part of their mother with them. Whether its the fun sense of humor, the way the gently care for others, or how much they enjoy creating – Peggy lives on in the lives of her daughters. And I am so glad that they were able to have that special time together just a few days before her passing, and that we were able to capture these memories for them. I am certainly reminded of how important photography is. It helps us to capture these fleeting moments and remember the ones we love.

Here’s a peek at the Fisher Girls’ Tea Party!

Fisher Girls Tea PartyFisher Girls Tea PartyFisher Girls Tea PartyFisher Girls Tea PartyFisher Girls Tea Party


  • Lorrie Crismon
    September 11, 2015

    Thank you for sharing all the lovely pictures. I’m grieved for Rebecca, Katrina, Rose, & Alena in the untimely death of their precious, precious Mom. Without doubt, I’m exceedingly confident that Peggy would agree, that all of her daughters far exceed the beauty of Job’s daughters, in more ways than one (Job 42:15)! Peggy, a good & faithful servant, may she enjoy the eternal rest provided her by her Elder Brother, the Good, King Jesus! She is forever young at heart!! I LOVE you, Fisher girls!!!!

  • Katrina Fisher
    September 11, 2015

    Stephanie ‘Pezzelle’ Gagnon thank you so much for this sweet post and your beautiful work. God gave us that weekend together and it is such a gift to have it commemorated with your photography. Such sweet memories that will be held dear forever. Thank you for sharing your talent with us!

  • Bekah Idle
    September 11, 2015

    The one with Katrina getting a kiss from her momma… so sweet!

  • Kathy Allen
    September 13, 2015


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