Some Winter Photo Fun

March 6, 2015

So I haven’t shared any of my personal photography in a while. And with all this snow we’ve been having – of course I took my fur babies out and let them play. And like any good (dog) mom – I had to take some pictures of them playing and the beautiful winter snowscapes that comprise our country view.

I feel really blessed that we get to live out in the country where we get such awesome scenery – like something out of an old painting or a pretty postcard. It’s one of the many reasons Ryan and I chose a house in the country. There’s something quite peaceful and calming about the slower pace and simplicity of country living. I often find myself just sitting in my living room looking out our big picture window and taking in the view.

Personally – I don’t mind the snow – although I will admit I miss my regular sessions. When the snow hits our sessions take a dip while we wait for green grasses, warm weather, and sunny skies. But in the mean time I find myself planning for the year, working on personal projects, and spending time with my hubby and friends.

So here’s just a few little shots I took when we had our last major snowfall last weekend. We got a LOT of snow over the weekend and then the rain came on Tuesday and some of it faded away. We still have a pretty nice thick snow cover, but it’s not as bad as it was. Enjoy a little peek into my life 🙂


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