Showin’ Some Love #7

September 17, 2010
Happy Friday Everyone! I’ve been thinking a lot about how blessed I am lately. One of the things I feel God has blessed me immensely with is the great friends I have had come into my life. This Friday I’d like to show some love to a few of these very special people.

* Lee Larkins
I first met Lee at Jones and Thomas where we both worked while going to Millikin University in Decatur. He was “that crazy kid who sits in the IS department.” Over the next year, we took several classes at school together. talked a lot, and became really good friends. Lee is hands-down the coolest, craziest, sweetest kid I met in college. I know I can count on him for anything and that he’d do everything he could to help me out. He’s also an amazing videographer and currently works for Mid C Media up in Chicago. He’s living quite the life up in the Windy City – meeting all kinds of famous people and experiencing some pretty cool things. I feel truly blessed and lucky to count him as one of my dearest friends. (P.S. This is one of Lee’s all-time favorite photos.)

* Amy Stewart
Amy is THE reason I’m glad I went to ISU because that is where I met her. First of all Amy is gorgeous! Blonde hair, blue eyes, amazing smile! Add to that her spunky, loving life personality, and she’s the kind of person you just always want to be around. I absolutely love this girl! She is actually a great painter and artist, but she found her true passion in fitness and is pursuing her master’s degree in it at Carbondale. I am so very proud of her and miss her oodles when we don’t get to talk.

* Meg Sluder
Meg and I went to high school together, and she introduced me to some of the best food ever. We used to go over to LaGondola after school and split an order of cinnamon bread. Or we’d go to her house and make Real chocolate milk…the kind where you put chocolate syrup in milk. Or we’d take apples and cut out the core and fill it with butter, sugar, and cinnamon, wrap it in foil and toss it in the fire and pull it out and enjoy it’s deliciousness. Mmmmm…yum! We hadn’t seen each other in probably 4 or 5 years and reconnected on facebook. I was so honored to get to photograph Meg and Joe’s wedding in June this year. They are both the sweetest people ever, and I adore them! You guys just need to move back to Illinois from Texas as soon as you possibly can. 😉 (P.S. Isn’t she just beautiful!)

Well there you have it. Three amazing, gorgeous people. Three of my closest friends! I love you all!

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