Photography Product: Grunge Texture Set

February 28, 2014

I’m so excited to be releasing another product for busy photographers! As I mentioned with my last texture set – most of the time I like clean simple images, but sometimes I want to add a little something extra to an image to give it a totally different feel. And now I’m adding another texture set to our texture set options – the Green Tree Media Grunge Texture Set! I designed this set completely with imagery taken in alleys and in various locals in town. Each image has a urban/grunge theme to it and was selected for the unique look and feel it provided to my own images!


This set comes in the form of an action that you can plug right into Photoshop and includes 30 different images to for use as texture overlays in your own portraiture! At $45 this comes out to $1.50 per texture – that’s a pretty great deal! The action is super easy to install and I’ve included directions to guide you through loading it into your actions palette in Photoshop. So all you have to do is click a button, select the texture and watch your photo come alive! I’ve made sure to include a terms of use and also a link to my YouTube Channel where I will be posting a video in the near future to show how to load the action on your own computer and how to run it on your images.

If you’re curious to see our Nature Texture Set in action. Here’s just a few I’ve used recently in my client work.


I have a few other sets I’m still working on, including Paint, Fantasy & Bokeh. I’m so excited to offer these right here on my online journal in my “The Shop” Section! I’ll be adding to this category as time goes on. Please do let me know what you think! Order your own set! Or let me know if you have any questions!

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