Photographer Product: The Simplicity Action Set

April 2, 2014
Green Tree Media Simplicity Action Set

As a photographer, one of the aspects of my job that can be the most time-consuming is post processing, the editing of my artwork. One really great way I’ve found to speed that up is through actions. I have my own set of custom actions that I created to edit all of my portraits. I run these actions on all my portraiture to create a bright, vibrant, warm and consistent look.

Green Tree Media Simplicity Action Set

The Green Tree Media Simplicity Action Set is ideal for any photographer looking for a set of actions that will edit their images cleanly and simply. It’s designed to be incredibly easy to use. Instead of each action doing a variety of steps with no idea of what the end result may look like, the Simplicity Action Set does one step at a time. So you can build your artwork one layer at a time. It makes it easy to tweak your images and mold them into your own unique art pieces without having to sift through layer upon layer of steps within a pre-designed action.

This set comes with 26 actions covering everything from skin smoothing & eye brightening to color boosts and black and whites. I am super excited to help you speed up your post production time and make beautiful artwork your clients will love! Here’s just a few samples of our actions in… well action!

Green Tree Media Simplicity Action Set Sample 1Green Tree Media Simplicity Action Set Sample 2Green Tree Media Simplicity Action Set Sample 3Green Tree Media Simplicity Action Set Sample 4

I cannot wait to see the artwork you create with our Green Tree Media Simplicity Action Set! Shoot us an email of your finished art and we’ll be sure to share them with everyone!

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