Photographer Product: Moody Skies Overlays
You may recall I recently released my Sunset Skies Overlay set – well today – I’m sharing my Moody Skies set with all of you!
I am primarily a natural light photographer, so often this means that the sky gets blown out (which means it’s so bright it just looks white in my portraiture). Well from time to time certain images really call for a vivid sky! Now you can do this with off camera flash if you have that set up or you can shoot the image like you normally would with natural light and drop in a sky later. I often do the latter.
What I’ve discovered though is that there really aren’t a lot of strong sky overlays available for photographers. I’ve purchased a few that were less than exciting or compelling. And often times I found they didn’t fit with horizon lines and had weird curvature or an off angle to them that just didn’t work in my images. So I started creating my own set of sky overlays and realized that this is something others might find beneficial as well! So decided to make it my personal goal to create some really great sky overlays for my fellow photographers! Here is my third set!
This set includes 25 of my moody sky images for use in your own portraiture! These are all high res images that you can pull into your photo and mask to show through and really make your images pop! I’ve made sure to include a terms of use and also a link to my YouTube Channel where I have posted videos showing how I input my sky overlays into my artwork. If you’re curious to see our overlays in action. Here’s just a few examples of how I’ve used these overlays in some of my work.
I hope you are as excited with this set as I am and I cannot wait to see how you all use them! I’m still working on a few other projects here and there to help photographers too! The easiest way to order my photographer products is by following the link to The Shop! And while you’re there – be sure to check out the other products I’ve created for photographers too! 🙂