Another Year Older Older

September 1, 2014

Well it seems that today I find myself another year older. I’m not one of those people who gets overly excited about my birthday, nor do I dread the change in numbers as I age. I think part of the reason I don’t get excited about my birthday is that I do not like being the center of attention at all. It makes me nervous. It always has. I much prefer events where the focus is on anyone but me. But on my birthday everyone is wanting to make me the center of attention and all I want to do is dissolve into the floor.

It’s just my nature. I’d rather focus on others. I’m okay with one or two people focusing on me but any more than that and it’s overwhelming for me. And over time, I’ve slowly been realizing the toll these types of events have on me. So on days that are my own, I like to take time with a few people at time and really get to know them by spending time talking with them. I love being at home, watching some of my favorite shows, reading or creating. I thrive in these quiet times in between the big events. They fuel me and fill me up to be the best version of me.

So today, the day after my birthday, the day I’m official another year older, I will be staying home with my hubby and enjoying a day of relaxation and calm. Just the two of us and our dogs. Probably watching a little Doctor Who (SuperWhoLocks Unite!), maybe reading, maybe writing. But above all enjoying the calm. Happy Labor Day Everybody!

Birthday 2014

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