A Peek into a Senior Portrait Session

December 14, 2016
Behind the Scenes Senior Portrait Session

Behind the Scenes Senior Portrait Session

You may or may not know that I have a YouTube channel… I’ve had it for a long time but I’m only know starting to be better about using it. With this goal in mind I’ve been trying to capture little sneak peeks into my process, sessions and just random tidbits about me or the business. So today I’m just sharing a quick little peek at a senior portrait session with one of my awesome recent seniors, Matthew. Check out the video below!

I like to try and make my sessions fun and laid back. And you’ll probably notice I laugh a LOT! I hear it’s one of my most defining features… so much so that I’ve had people find me in a restaurant or store because they heard my laugh. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but I like to think people like my laugh 😉 This session is for a senior guy so in addition to making the session laid back – I also try to make it fairly quick… Basically, I don’t want my senior guys to hate every minute of their session. I move through poses, locations, and ideas quickly so that the session moves fluidly. I find my senior guys really appreciate this about me, so I try to keep it simple.

So yup! That’s what I’ve got for you today. If you liked this let me know and I’ll try to do more of these in the future!

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