My Brief Assessment of the Canon 5D Mark III

June 15, 2012

With the fire that burned down my home, I lost all my photography equipment. Shortly after the fire I replaced the bare essentials for my photography equipment: camera, lenses, computer, software, etc… But before the fire I had several back ups of my equipment in case of emergency and most especially for weddings. Since the fire I’ve been lucky enough to have amazing photography friends who’ve graciously let me borrow their back up cameras on wedding days. But it’s high time I replace the ones I lost.

Of course, about the time I got ready to replace my camera – the new Canon 5D Mark III
came out. So I have since been trying to decide whether or not to upgrade. I’m horrible at making decisions so I decided my best option was to rent the camera I was contemplating purchasing. So I hopped on this wonderful website called Borrow Lenses where you can rent various professional camera equipment as a professional photographer. Being able to do this is a hugely beneficial thing before making a big purchase like a camera upgrade.

So to test out this camera, I decided to grab a couple of hyper kiddos and take them to the park to see how it fared against some little high energy people run all over the place and here’s what we got:

Now what you may not notice in these web images is the level of clarity and sharpness to them. So I took an image of Charlie and zoomed in on his face and the sharp focus astounds me! His little face is so clear and the droplets on his face too!

So I decided to test out the ISO (low light) abilities of this new camera at home that night. So this first image is with my Mark II. You may not notice anything in particular in this image but check the one below it! You’ll see the graininess of this image. Grain is the individual pixels or dots that make up a picture. In low light situations or darker areas the amount of grain in an image significantly increases.

This is the same shot taken on the Mark III with the same settings. You’ll already notice that this image is a little brighter, but you’ll also notice on the image below it that there is significantly less grain. Which makes me giddy! As a natural light photographer having the ability to get clear ungrainy shots can be hard in churches and other darker environments.

So the next day I took the camera to the Our Lady of Lourdes of Church to test out it’s abilities in there. Bear in mind – the church had absolutely no lights on except for a very select few highlighting the statues… Here’s what I was impressed with being able to get:

This is what really impressed me. This overview shot of the church with no lights on. I took the first one on the Mark III but with the the highest ISO settings my Mark III is capable of. The setting image was set at the Mark IIIs highest ISO settings. Granted the second image is really grainy but I’m stunned with how bright it is. Thankfully I’ll never have to shoot in a setting this dark but it’s nice to be able to see what all this camera can do.

So after much debate and a lot of thought and testing, I’ve decided that I’m going to be making the upgrade to the Canon 5D Mark III. It’s a big expense, but it’s my job to continue to provide you with the best images I can, and I believe this camera will help me to do this. With the improved ISO for stronger photos in low light areas and the sharper focusing system, I’m confident that this camera will help me to continue to provide you with outstanding photos!

Well I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I will be shooting my sixth wedding in a row, so relax and spend time with family for me on Saturday. I know I’ll be reveling in my relaxing family time Sunday! See you back here Monday!

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