Be Certain You Hired a Professional

June 13, 2012

I often find myself amused by the fact that every time you turn around, there’s a new “photographer” in town. I put photographer in quotes because I’ve been stunned by the number of people who have no background in photography, no education in it, and no real drive to pursue educating themselves to improve themselves. They are often what we call “moms with cameras” and becoming a mom is often the reason they decided to become a photographer. I’m not saying moms shouldn’t want to document their children growing up or that they can’t have a hobby or that kids can’t be the reason someone decides to go into photography, but I find the increased number of moms with cameras photo “businesses” at least a little entertaining.

I went to college for this job. I double majored and got Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography and Design because I knew if I was going to do this – I needed to know what I was doing. Even after I graduated from school I continue to educate myself all year long, every year. Because I believe that my job is a service. My job is incredibly important! I’m documenting hugely significant and special moments in your life! Moments you can’t get back! And if I didn’t know what I was doing – not only would I be hurting my reputation but more importantly I’d be causing you to lose that one solid memory you could have had through photographs.

It honestly breaks my heart when I hear about someone who’s photographer lost their wedding photos or ruined their newborn photos or did a terrible job on family photos. I truly understand how important each of those moments are and once they’re gone – there’s no getting them back. That’s why it’s so so SO important to make sure you’re hiring a professional – to be sure you trust them and are comfortable with them. Obviously – professionals cost quite a bit more than these new breed of photographer but isn’t it worth spending the extra money for peace of mind and the assurance that what you are going to get will be of the highest quality? Remember you’re paying the professionals for their knowledge and skills, for the high grade equipment they have, for their level of service, and for their professional quality products.

Here’s just a few things to consider before you hire that “mom with a camera” to be your photographer.

1) Ask them if they have a degree or education in photography
I’m not saying all the pros went to a 4 year school for photography – but many of them set aside a portion of their budget to educate themselves. Ask them about it and find out if they really know how their camera works or not.

2) Find out if they are a registered business.
All businesses should have a business identification number or a tax ID number. Oh! And if the photographer you’re considering doesn’t charge sales tax – you may want to look somewhere else. Sales tax is required by the state so not paying taxes on the products they’re selling is actually illegal.

3) Check to see if they’re a PPA member
The PPA (or Professional Photographers of America) is an organization for registered professionals. If your photographer is listed on this site – odds are you have nothing to worry about. Just hop in and click on the “Find-A-Photographer” button. You can type in the name of a photographer or just your zip code and find all the registered PPA members in your area. It’s a great way to be sure that the person you’re planning on working with is actually a professional.

4) Ask to see an entire sessions photos
If you’re still on the fence about the photographer you’re considering, asking them to see an entire sessions photos (the same type of session your planning on scheduling – whether that’s a family session, a wedding, or newborns) may help you decide. The professional will have consistently good images for an entire session. Each image they show you will look wonderful on it’s own, while the non-professional may only have a 3 or 4 really good photos that you like.

5) Remember – this should be about QUALITY not QUANTITY
In today’s age of digital cameras and discounts galore, people often get stuck on getting more for less. But when it comes to photography, wouldn’t you rather have 20-40 really outstanding images over 150 mediocre ones? When it comes to capturing those special milestones – having images you’re going to cherish and want to frame and hang on your walls is going to be much more important to you than having a disk of hundreds of images you don’t even really feel like printing. And when you really love the photos your photographer takes – you’re going to want their professional prints because they will look better and last longer than anything you could get at Walmart or Walgreens.

So remember – you get what you pay for. Going to a non-professional may be a lot less expensive but you won’t get the quality images you’re hoping for or dreaming of. You won’t be able to get professional grade products either. And there are tons of professional photographers who are yearning to take care of you! To capture those special moments and provide you with timeless pieces of artwork that you will cherish forever!

Life is short - memories last

Well I hope you’re all having a wonderful Wednesday and I’ll see you again on Friday! 🙂

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