Minimize Your Wedding Stress – Find the Right Photographer

August 11, 2010
Lately I’ve been receiving a lot of phone calls and emails about weddings. So I thought I would take a little time today to discuss why I think choosing the right photographer is such a crucial decision in the wedding planning process.

Having only got married two years ago, my wedding day is still fresh in my mind as is all the planning that lead up to it. I remember how stressful that time was and how all the worries melted away on the wedding day. I remember how incredibly happy I was; I remember the look on Ryan’s face when he saw me for the first time that day; I remember the bonds between all those who helped with my big day. I know that in time my memory of all these things will be far less vivid than it is now, and that’s when those pictures should be able to remind me of those feelings.

Now as a photographer, the knowledge of this responsibility is constantly on my mind. My job is SO important! Any photographers job is! And hopefully whoever your photographer is realizes this too. You are making so many memories on this one day, and it’s our responsibility as your photographer to make sure those memories last a lifetime!

As a photographer I want my brides to look at their photos 20, 30, 40 years from now and remember the excitement and nervousness when her mother helped her get dressed, the complete happiness when her soon-to-be husband teared up when he saw her for the first time, the contentment and pleasure at finally being Mr. & Mrs. Prince Charming. These feelings are real and wonderful, and something we all want to remember for the rest of our lives. And that’s why your photographs and more importantly your photographer are so important.

The right photographer will be able to capture these emotions in a picture in a way words can never fully express. But how do you know if you’ve found the “right photographer”? Here’s the steps I recommend taking when searching for your photographer.

1. Do an online search
This seems almost silly to list because I’m pretty sure this is the first thing everybody does now. But I do recommend searching the web. You may find there are a lot more photographers in your area than you realized. You’ll also be able to narrow down your search by perusing photographers online galleries. Compile a list of photographers you like and then use this list to move on to step 2.

2. Schedule a meeting with the potential photographers
I think this step is one of the most important to take. You can learn a lot about your potential photographer just by doing this. If it’s virtually impossible to find a time to meet or even worse you can never get the photographer on the phone – those are definitely warning signs. You want your photographer to be just as excited about meeting you as you are to meet him/her. The other reason to meet is that getting together in person will give you feel for your potential photographers personality and energy. You need to find someone that you are going to feel comfortable with on that big day and that you are also going to be able to trust to capture all those moments. If you don’t feel comfortable or confident in their abilities by the end of the meeting, it’s probably best to keep looking.

3. Ask to see a full wedding album
This is one I find most people don’t think of; I certainly didn’t when I got married and I greatly regret it. Photographers have a tendency to show only their BEST work. It makes sense…why show your worst photos to potential clients? But it can be very misleading. Asking your potential photographer to see a clients full wedding day coverage honestly – shouldn’t be a problem. By viewing this you will be able to tell right away how skilled your photographer is and what you can expect from them on your wedding day if you choose to hire them. Also bear in mind that if a photographer is hesitant to show a full gallery, it’s definitely something to be concerned about.

4. Ask About Equipment
I only list this point of interest for your peace of mind. I don’t know a single wedding photographer who doesn’t have a back-up camera in case his/her primary camera fails. It is just incredibly unlikely that your potential photographer does not have a back-up camera, but ask. Then at least you will know, and it will be one less thing you will have to worry about on your wedding day.

5. Ask for reviews from past brides
This is a great step to do! No one is going to know your potential photographer like his/her previous clients. You may be able to find testimonials or reviews on their website or on google. Asking your potential photographer for a few of his/her recent clients to contact can be even more beneficial to you. Sometimes the online reviews can be outdated and are often only positive reviews posted by the photographer. So if you call a recent bride you will get more current and unbiased view.

6. Deciding on the photographer
Obviously I recommend you take all the above information into consideration when you select your photographer. I would like to make one note on price here. I know that in today’s economy everyone is looking for a way to save some money, but I suggest you leave price to be the last factor in your decision. Placing all the emphasis on price when selecting your wedding photographer can, and most likely will, leave you incredibly disappointed with the end product. I’m not saying to pick the most expensive photographer either. I’m saying make your life EASIER. Pick the photographer you are most comfortable with, who has great reviews, consistent great photos, back-up equipment, and that you TRUST implicitly to capture your special day.

By following these steps in selecting your wedding photographer, not only will you find a photographer that will supply you with images you will cherish forever, but it will also greatly reduce the amount of stress you feel leading up to and on your big day. You will know ahead of time that your photographer is confident and capable. And you will already feel that trust. Your photographer will help your day glide along smoothly – directing photos and helping you feel content and relaxed. No rushing, no worries. And your dream wedding will live on in the beautiful photos your photographer takes.

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