Marlee is One!!
This past week was full of excitement and happiness and a little sadness too. As of 9:51 on Thursday morning, our big girl officially turned one-year-old! I don’t know how the past year managed to zip by so fast! It really doesn’t feel like a year ago that we were rushing up to Detroit to meet this sweet little lady for the first time. 8 years was a long time to wait but she was beyond worth the struggle and wait! She continues to be the light of our life and amazes us with all she can do and she is constantly making us laugh.
At one year old, she’s so close to walking, it could be any day now. She’s got the balance and strength – she just lacks the confidence to let go of our fingers and take a step. She loves music and will stop whatever she is doing to dance when a song she likes comes on. She also loves all the trains that go zipping by our house and has to speed crawl to the window when she hears their horn. She loves playing in her little kitchen and exploring everything around the house. I think we have another round of baby-proofing in our near future. She loves reading and turning the pages of her books. She sits really still for story time, which is pretty much the only time she sits still. She babbles and squeals with delight all the time and we can’t wait to hear her start using actual words.
She has 8 little teeth that are perfect for munching and she loves trying new food! Her daddy’s cooking is her favorite so far but she definitely doesn’t say no to sweets (like her mama). She’s tried bunches of food now and prefers eating whatever is on our plate if we’ll let her. Food envy is definitely real still and she’ll get really upset if we don’t share something she wants. Since we celebrated her birthday with family over the weekend, we celebrated her actual birthday with a breakfast donut. I think it’s safe to say she was pretty pleased
Here’s a little peek at our beautiful growing girl!