Jessica & Drake’s Maternity Session | Decatur, IL

November 20, 2015

Another day, another session and what a fun session I get to share with you today! One of the awesome things about this job and having been in business for almost eight years (wow!) is when my clients come back to me for their new milestones. There is no greater honor or joy than getting to capture those special life moments for them so that they can cherish them forever. And I understand what a gift it is that I am invited to be a part of those moments.

Jessica is one of my former Green Tree Media seniors – class of 2013! I had a lot of fun capturing those images for her, and now Jess has hit a new milestone in her life… that beautiful change into motherhood. Of course, when Jessica messaged me that she was looking at snagging some maternity portraits – I was thrilled to be able to document this special time in her life with her boyfriend, Drake.

These two were such troopers. It was a mildly rainy day on their session day, but with Jess’s due date quickly approaching they decided to go ahead and have their portraits taken anyway. So we met up at Fairview Park – because the color there was beautiful and the big pavilion would give us a place to work where we could stay – mostly dry 😉 Jess has such a cute and tiny baby bump and it’s so sweet seeing how Drake dotes on her. They decided to be surprised on if they are having a boy or girl – and I’ll be very excited to hear if they’ve had a cowboy or cowgirl. We even snagged a couple quick shots with their pretty puppy, Dodge!

So here you are! A little peek at Jess & Drake’s Maternity session!

Jessica & Drake Maternity SessionJessica & Drake Maternity Session

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