Idle Family Photography | Decatur, IL

November 2, 2015
The Idle Family

Today I thought I’d share another amazing family from our church with all of you! We love our church family and the people we have gotten to know! Nick and Bekah are two of the sweetest people you could ever meet with HUGE hearts for Jesus! They both volunteer on the worship team – Nick plays guitar and Bekah is on keys. Bekah also volunteers and leads in the kids program at Renaissance. And it’s easy to see why – she has a gift with children and so much love for them. Something that is equally apparent when you see her and Nick with their own kids.

Nick and Bekah have four precious little boys. Silas is the oldest little man, and he’s an amazing big brother to his three younger brothers. Jack and Elliot are the twins and just celebrated their third birthdays. They’re getting so darn big! And then of course there’s sweet baby Jonas who’s growing like a weed.

This wasn’t one of my standard sessions because it was just a quick little shoot between our morning services. Renaissance is a huge part of the Idle family’s life so it was really important to them that they have a family portrait out in front of our current building! It’s looking like in the next couple years we’ll be moving into a new building (because we are rapidly outgrowing our space) so there’s no time like the present. We took these few quick shots in maybe a 10 or 15 minutes window. So it was really quick, but I had a lot of fun snagging these few little moments.

I look forward to one day doing a full session for this sweet family in the future. Here’s just a tiny glimpse at this little mini session!

The Idle FamilyThe Idle FamilyThe Idle Family

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