Healthy Cells Magazine: Audibel | Decatur, IL | Commercial Photography

July 29, 2013

Today I thought I’d share with all of you a little bit of our Healthy Cells Magazine Commercial Shoot for Audibel. I had never been into Audibel before. It’s a very nice office – warm and inviting, clean but not sterile like a lot of doctor’s offices. However, they do have some of the finest tools for hearing tests and ear related screenings. While we were there we got to see the inside of a patient’s ear, what the hearing analysis looks like as well as several other tests that are done on patients. It was really interesting and I learned a lot! Here’s just a little peek at the Decatur Audibel office off of North Water.

Healthy Cells Audibel 1

Healthy Cells Audibel 2

Healthy Cells Audibel 3

Healthy Cells Audibel 4

Healthy Cells Audibel 5

Healthy Cells Audibel 6

Have a magnificent Monday!

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