I’m finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve got 80% of our kitchen cabinets back together and almost all the doors are fully painted. So I’m optimistic that by the end of the week I’ll have the kitchen completely done (& then I can post pictures). Of course knowing …
The Journal
The weather was wonderful this past Saturday. It had warmed up nicely outside and the sun was shining when I met up with Andrea & Richard at Rock Springs for their engagement session. I had been looking forward to taking pictures of these two for quite a while since Andrea booked me for her wedding …
A couple weeks ago, someone asked a question: “Why did you get into photography in the first place?” I thought it was an interesting question and one worth really thinking about. So I’ve been reminiscing and contemplating about where and why I started this crazy journey into creating my own photography business. So many photographers …
It’s Thursday night and I’m sitting in my living room trying to decide what to share with you. Sometimes it can be hard coming up with things to post on this little space amidst the enormity of the internet…especially when I’m in my slow season. But things are finally starting to pick up around here. …
I was so excited last week because I was going to get to meet little baby Everett! I took maternity pictures of the little man’s mom and dad a month ago, and couldn’t have been happier to take his first professional pictures. Everyone knew Tiffany was going to have a big boy… She was all …
This year is my brother, Joel’s, senior year of college, and his last year playing basketball for Greenville College. You may remember me taking pictures of the senior boys a month or so ago for the fatheads they had made as their senior gift. Well Ryan and I headed to Greenville last week on Monday …
I’m always trying to find ways I can give back – to the community and those who have helped me make it where I am. So when my friend, Amber, of Customized Treasures told me about the Mt. Zion Community Club Auction, I felt like it was a perfect opportunity to give back. Neither of …
I’m so proud of my brothers, so I was super happy to get to take pictures at my little brother, Jeremy’s, basketball game in Shelbyville last week. I took pictures for both the Junior Varsity and Varsity games, and both teams played very well. I enjoy doing sport photography. It requires so much more from …
Over and over again I hear people question how a photographer can charge X amount of dollars for a 4×6 when it only costs $0.29 to print off a 4×6 at Wal-Mart or your local convenience store. While at first this may seem like a logical question, there are many reasons a professional photographers prints …
I was so excited when Amber called and asked me if I would take pictures of her little man. Charlie is such a cutie! I absolutely love this little boy! We decided to get some pictures of the little man in his room. Amber did a great job designing his room using a Cars theme …