Beautiful Moments

May 23, 2014

My hands were numb from the cold as the chill wind whipped across my face. I had gotten up from my chair to put dinner away, when I suddenly found myself outside, camera in hand. It had been rainy and dreary the past couple days, but there was a lull in the drizzle and I felt something pulling me, coaxing me to go outside. The light was beautiful – one of the prettiest sunset lights I’d seen in a while. A despite the chilly weather I was warmed by it’s glow. The grass was exceptionally green. It seemed with each passing rain it got a little more vibrant, a little more rich in hue. The fields across the street were starting to grow. Little green nubs of the beginning of corn stalks poking their little heads up out of the deep dark soil. With such a long winter this year, seeing these little green rows reminds me that God always provides, even if we are too small to see the bigger picture at the time.

So I walk down the road, taking pictures as my heart guides me. Watching the beauty the light creates as it washes over the fields and the grass and the trees. Breathing the fresh air in deeply, filling my lungs… it always smells better out here in the country… cleaner in spite of the dirt. An incredible sense of peace filled me and uncontrollable gratitude poured out of me that I got to live in this moment and capture it’s little beauties. Whether it was just the gorgeous sunset light or some calling by my divine Creator, it is always in these moments, the moments where I allow everything else to fade away, when I quit trying to force things and just let them unfold that truly beautiful things happen and are made….

Beautiful Moments

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