Baby Journey: Pregnancy & Fertility Apps for iPhone

August 10, 2015
4 of My Favorite Fertility Apps

4 of My Favorite Fertility Apps

Whether you are trying to conceive, going through fertility treatments or wanting to responsibly avoid getting pregnant, there are a lot of things to keep track of for us girls. Contrary to what some may believe – getting pregnant isn’t something that can happen at any moment. There are very specific times in a girls cycle (usually a 4-6 day window) when she can get pregnant. Now I’m by no means discrediting God’s hand in the process, but I also think it’s really important for us to understand our bodies. Each of us is so very different and by knowing more about how our bodies work – we can take better care of them and hopefully live healthier, happier lives.

Once upon a time, women had to keep track of all these things with paper and pen. You’d find a cycle chart in a book or online and you’d have to map out your cycle by hand. Thanks to technology – there are some super helpful tools you can download straight to your phone or iPad to make your life a whole lot easier! So today I want to share 4 of my favorite apps that have been hugely helpful to me during this journey.

P Tracker App

1) P Tracker
This was the first fertility tracking app I ever downloaded. I have since upgraded to another app which I’ll talk about shortly. But P Tracker was a great starting point for me. They have two versions a free one and an upgrade. Through the app you can track the length of your period, how long it lasts, your symptoms, your weight, your temperature and your moods. It keeps track of all of it for you and creates little charts.

P Tracker App Screens

For me the handiest feature is being able to see when our fertility window is and being able to see the length of my cycles. It was because of this handy little app that I realized the medication I was put on was making a huge difference in my cycles. Before being diagnosed with PCOS and put on medication – my periods ranged from 24-65 days in length. Now I can tangible see that when my left side ovulates it’s about 26-28 days long and my right side has a cycle length of 30-32. Those are much tighter and more predictable windows than I ever had before!

Glow App

2) Glow
This app is my new favorite tracking app! I started using this a few months ago and I seriously love it! The first thing you do when setting up your app is choose whether you’re avoiding pregnancy, trying to conceive or doing fertility treatments. They then have specifically guided screens for you depending on your personal journey. At this point – Ryan and I are in the trying to conceive window since we chose to follow God’s call and are no longer pursuing fertility treatments.

Glow App Screens

Above I’ve put a few of my own screens for you to see. You can see that it’ll chart for you just like the other app I recommended. It also shows you what percentage of a chance you have getting pregnant today. You have a “Log” where it asks you everything from “did you have intercourse today” to “what kind of mood are you”. You can even set it up to alert you to take pills every day, which is super handy. One of the features I love about this app is that it can be connected to your hubby’s phone. He has his own things to keep track of, but it also alerts him of certain things I input into my log. Like if I’m feeling sad – it’ll tell him “Hey! Your wife’s feeling a little down. Send her a little message to cheer her up!” So that’s kind of nice because it keeps us synced on each other.

PCOS Diva App

3) PCOS Diva
Obviously – this app is designed for those with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a condition I’ve talked about here. When I first found out I had PCOS – I started digging around on the internet to find out what exactly it was and how to better manage it. That’s when I stumbled across Amy Medling’s PCOS Diva website. Struggling with PCOS herself, Amy spent years educating herself about her condition and now she helps others understand it and take control of their symptoms. She offers some great free reading as well as coaching, one on one training, recipe ebooks, and this handy app. Through the app, every day you’ll get a new friendly tip about ways to manage your condition and take control of your life and fertility.

She Reads Truth

4) She Reads Truth | Bible Devotional App
This is the most recent app I’ve downloaded and no… it’s not specific to infertility. But what I really wanted was something that would give me encouragement everyday. If someone came up with that – an app for women struggling with infertility – that would be amazing. But until then – I love this handy little app!She Reads Truth ScreensAt this point, you probably know that I’m a Christian and I’m trying to be better about having an active relationship with God. I am blessed to have people who send me bible quotes  from time to time, so this app has been amazing for quickly finding them. It also let’s me bookmark them. So when someone sends me a verse I find particularly encouraging or something I need to think on – I’ll save it and then I can quickly access it later. There are also bible studies you can download and all kinds of fun stuff like that. So while it’s not fertility related it has given me a little something each day to refocus myself.

Well I hope that this has been a little helpful. There are tons of fertility apps out there and if you have experience with one you like better – let me know! I’d love to hear what you’ve tried and what you think!

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