Baby Journey: Book Review: Barren Among the Fruitful

September 25, 2015
Barren Among the Fruitful

Barren Among the Fruitful

So with everything Ryan and I have been going through on this journey, I needed to connect. I needed something to ground me and help me feel more solid in where we are at. So being the giant nerd that I am – I looked to books. I wish I could say there’s a wealth of books out there to support women struggling with infertility, but that has not been my experience…. at least not the type of books I was looking for. I wanted something that would encourage, uplift, and nurture as well as be realistic and informative. I wanted to find books that if others come to me for support and guidance, I will have read about other experiences and have a resource to guide others too as well. I know I was looking for a lot out of a simple book.

Well, one of the first books I discovered is called, Barren Among the Fruitful: Navigating Infertility with Hope, Wisdom, and Patience by Amanda Hope Haley. I have to admit – I was incredibly happy with this find! As you all know I attend a church that is very fertile and I am the only one in our families who struggles with infertility – so the title, “Barren Among the Fruitful” – really struck a chord for me. The book promised to share personal stories of women who have struggled with infertility or miscarriage, honest facts about the problem of infertility, and questions for individual thought or group discussion. Perfect! And I can honestly say the book lived up to my expectations!

Barren Among the Fruitful

One of the first features I love about this book is that each chapter is titled with “an off-the-cuff, sometimes hurtful, and often ridiculous comment” the author heard during her infertility journey. Because I’ll be real – people say the strangest (often hurtful) things… And there’s a certain level of camaraderie that comes from meeting others who have heard the same equally unhelpful and bizarre things.

The second thing I loved about this book is that in the forward, Amanda immediately starts by saying “I suppose the fairy-tale happy ending to this book would be me sharing with the world that I am finally having a baby, but that won’t be happening.” I love that realism and honesty! Because nothing is promised to us. Children are a gift not a guarantee and sometimes it’s a lot harder to listen to someone utter empty positive words than to have someone simply embrace the idea that you, yourself are trying to accept – this might not happen for you.

Each chapter covers a specific topic of infertility, and within each chapter is also interspersed little personal stories from various women along the road of infertility. At the end of each chapter is a series of questions to ponder, whether for yourself or for a group. One day I hope to have a infertility support group – in which we’ll be able to discuss these questions, concerns, and realities together.

The book does have a spiritual leaning – so if Christianity isn’t your thing – this book might not be what you’re looking for. And if you’re looking for a self-help guide or how to beat infertility this isn’t the book for you either. This book is really designed for women who are dealing with infertility and need encouragement and acknowledgement of the road they are on. It’s not a book that will provide you with answers – but it’s a book that will bring you comfort hearing others’ stories and a degree of understanding where you may often have a hard time finding some in your actual life.

I would certainly highly recommend this book to anyone who needs some literary encouragement while struggling with infertility. And I’d even recommend it to family and friends of those struggling with infertility because it does cover a lot of hurtful things people unknowingly say as well as just general information about infertility and how it can take it’s toll.

Plus… I also love the feel of this book. It’s a paperback but it’s printed on a nice heavy-weight, matte textured paper. I love the design of the book and the layout. And I love the loose edged binding… The edges aren’t nice and smooth – it’s a textured feel to the stack of pages.

If you’re interested in purchasing this book at all – please do order it through my link here. It’ll take you straight to the Amazon link to order. I am an Amazon Associate so when you order through my link – I have the potential to earn a little cash at no additional cost to you. Here’s that link again: Barren Among the Fruitful: Navigating Infertility with Hope, Wisdom, and Patience by Amanda Hope Haley.

I am planning on reviewing other books and things that have helped us. I already have one other book lined up to share with you and I’m working on seeking out other things that have been beneficial for me. Please know that I only share things I really believe in and that I would purchase again for myself or a friend. My goal is always to help others!
