Asher & Brinley Turn One! | Decatur IL Photography
Oh my goodness you guys!!! I LOVE all these sweet babies that come to me but – oh my heart! They all grow so dang fast! It kills me a little! A little over a year ago, I was photographing these sweet twin’s newborn portraits! And here we are documenting their first birthday!
For Asher & Brinley’s session, Josh and Theresa met us out at our Kirksville home-studio. You never know what the weather is going to be like in January. Plus, it’s always nice to be able to contain the little ones a bit haha. It was so much fun playing with these two sweet little things. Picking them up and putting them back down where they needed to be. Making goofy faces and noises to get their attention. It’s always so much fun trying to cpature those perfect shots, but also documenting these little ones as they are.
So here’s a peek at two super sweet, wanted, and loved little kiddos!
And for context… Here’s the one year change in these sweet little ones!