A Heart for a Ministry
You guys have seen me writing here for a long, long time, sharing our journey through infertility and adoption. And I hope that through all my sharing and writing you’ve seen my heart… my passion for those who struggle… in all areas really. But this journey has given me a huge heart for those who traverse this same road. I think because it’s so often a road of silence, of secrecy, of loneliness, grief, despair, fear, and isolation. It’s so so hard to do this alone, and I’ve been wanting to do more – to build something – to reach more people.
I’ve felt God tugging on my heart and pulling me to start up a ministry. For the past year, I’ve been working really hard to walk down the paths he has called me. It has been amazing and stressful and hard, but I’m excited to see where it all ends up leading me. One of those areas I have felt him pushing me is at my church. I’ve been wanting to start a support group here for a while for several reasons. First – the church is often full of spaces for mothers – mother groups, book clubs, play dates, etc. As a childless woman I have often felt left out and isolated… in fact – I’ve been told I was alone by church staff, which certainly is (and was) not the case. Personally, I feel that the church is the best space for a group like this – a place where those of us who are hurting can gather to love and support one another.
Now I want to start by telling you what I dream this group will become. I dream of a full-blown ministry within our church. I imagine support groups for those struggling with infertility, miscarriage, infant loss, adoption, and fostering. I hope for a ministry of women that sit and pray with those who are grieving, who cook meals for those who have experienced loss, and who lift one another up. I have so many hopes and dreams for this group and I hope to one day be able to see this come to fruition. But until then… we’re going to start small.
Our church does small groups in the spring and fall, where groups are started for various topics like fitness or bible studies or board games. This spring I have decided to start a small group for infertility. In order to give the group some direction, we’re going to base the group off of a book I have found very helpful – Barren Among the Fruitful. I’ve shared this book on here before and I look forward to reading it together with those of you who will join me. Though we want this to be a safe haven for those dealing with infertility, you don’t have to be struggling with infertility to be in this group. You could be a mother, sister, or friend of someone who is. Or you could just have a heart for and desire to understand. You don’t have to attend our church to participate in our group.
If you are at all interested in joining our group that I’ve loving called – The Hopefuls – please do let me know so I can include you in more information. We would absolutely love to have you!