#2014Blog2015 Challenge: Year in Review
Seeing as it is New Year’s Eve today, it seemed like the perfect day to sit down and really look back at the past year. To really recognize all I’ve accomplished and then to look forward to the new year with all it’s hope and potential. Another photographer I follow posted these 5 questions relating to 2014 and 2015 to answer, and I thought they were such great questions I’d go ahead and join in on the #2104Blog2015 Challenge just for fun! 🙂
So here we go!
What are you most proud of this year?
My vulnerability… This year I decided to start sharing more of what goes on in my personal life, which includes my writings. I have written for a very long time for myself. I find that the written word is the easiest way for me to express what’s buzzing around in my head. I’m not good at talking about how I feel or being serious about it with other people. So for me – writing has been my way to express my fears, my concerns, my hopes, my anxieties, and just the random stuff that rolls around in my noggin. One night I wrote something I loved so much that I decided to share a snippet of it. And I had such a huge rallying support for these little writings that I found myself getting braver and braver and sharing more and more of them. Thus the sharing of my thoughts on friendship, our struggle to get pregnant, and even my deep thoughts in the bath. Even now I’m glimpsing through them and I’m astounded by how much I’ve shared. So thank you for giving me courage and sharing in my journey!
What was the biggest risk you took?
Letting go of weddings… I never formally announced it anywhere but as of this year I officially let go of weddings. It was terrifying to make the decision to walk away from weddings because I had so many people who loved the work I created for their wedding days. Ultimately though it was the best decision I ever made. Weddings put a level of anxiety and nervousness in my life that is so not helpful to my health or well being. I am so much happier without that kind of worry in my life and I feel like I’m taking better care of my clients because of it! Plus – since Ryan and I have been struggling for so long to get pregnant, it was the right decision to continue to encourage us down the right path for our family.
What did you learn this year?
Oh So Much! I feel like I learn tons every year! If I had to pick one thing that I learned that impacted my life the most it was about myself. Between reading the book Quiet by Susan Cain last year and figuring out my MBTI personality as well as that I’m an empath and that I have PCOS – I mean man! That’s a lot of stuff to help understand yourself. The PCOS diagnosis alone has had a huge impact on not only my health but my happiness. For the first time in my life I understand why I am the way I am. That all these things that I hated myself for as a teenager – they’re part of a condition. I can’t even express the peace that brings me (and also the frustration that I didn’t know this sooner haha).
What do you wish you had made more time for?
Oh My Gosh! Another one that has too many answers so I’ll only pick a few quick answers:
• Creating – letting my inner artist out more
• Spending time with friends and family
• Reading and studying my bible
• Yoga
What are 3 highlights (business or personal) of your year?
• Finding a good doctor – I can’t even express how amazing it is to find someone you trust and who brings you hope.
• Finding a church family – Again such a blessing to have people who care about you and support you
• Photographing my parent’s Beloved session – such a beautiful and humbling experience
What “word” do you want to define 2015?
PRESENT…. Every year I try to pick a word that I want to live by. For two years I chose the word gratitude. It was such a wonderful experience to delay remind myself of all I was grateful for, and it’s now a habit for me. Whenever I feel sad – I think of what I’m grateful for – I write it down or I photograph it. But this year I want to choose the word PRESENT because I need to be more present in all that I do. When I spend time with Ryan, I need to be better about shutting off the computer and actually being PRESENT with him. When I’m working, I need to be sure I’m not thinking about what else I need to get done, but be PRESENT with the current client or task. If I can learn to be PRESENT in all that I do – that will be a wonderful gift!
What are 3 big goals (business or personal) for 2015?
• Grow our family – this one sometimes seems unattainable, but we’re staying hopeful.
• Finishing some of my personal projects – I have so many projects started that need to get done
• Making a really spectacular senior model program for the Class of 2016!
What do you want to stop doing in 2015?
Overworking. I have a (terrible) habit of not knowing when to shut off. I care so much about all of you that it’s hard for me to take time for me because I feel like I’m letting you guys down. So that’s part of my choice in my word for the year. Being present should help keep me from working constantly.
What things excite you about the upcoming year?
• potentially having a baby
• some exciting ideas for my seniors
• opportunities to create again
What do you want to learn in 2015?
Balance. Isn’t that what all working woman want to learn? I definitely struggle with balancing work and family and friends and house work and paperwork and creating and all the myriad of things it seems need done in a day. I’m gradually getting better at it, but MAN! I’d love to be a pro at balance 😉
Well that was really fun! I had a blast going through all those questions and answering them. I hope it was fun for those of you who read through to the end! I hope you all have a super fun and safe New Years Eve! Let’s ring in 2015 with big plans, a lot of hope, and a bright future!

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