Why I Will Always Support Cancer Research
So today is World Cancer Day. You may have noticed many of your family and friends with purple profile pictures. Chevrolet has stated for every profile that is “Purpled” they will donate $1 to cancer research. With such a great cause and such an easy call to action – it’s no wonder so many people have purple profiles today!
With so many people being diagnosed with cancer, I’m guessing you’ve known at least one person with cancer. I, myself, have had several people in my life who’ve been diagnosed with or lost their fight to cancer. My uncle, who I’m named after, died from cancer as well as an aunt and my grandmother-in-law (who was truly like my own grandma). I’ve also had two aunts who’ve been diagnosed with cancer and I’ve known several family friends who’ve been diagnosed.
With all these people close to me undergoing a similar experience, I’ve seen and experienced what cancer does to the person and those they love. As someone who has watched the struggle first hand, I can tell you one of the most difficult things about cancer is the struggle with helplessness. Watching someone you love go through all the struggles cancer brings – the treatments, the exhaustion, the changes that undergo your body, mood, etc. It’s hard watching someone you care about experience all these things and feeling helpless to make it better. To take the pain away. With cancer effecting so many people I care about – how could I not have a soft place in my heart for all those walking this difficult road?
It’s why I was so happy to be able to help Silas and his family document that Saturday last month. It’s why I was happy to help illustrate a children’s book called “Oops! Did I Say That?” which is all about what not to say to pediatric cancer patients. It’s why Ryan and I helped and attended part of the Relay for Life in Decatur last year. Cancer is such a strange and terrible thing that claims those we love and often too soon. And it’s why I will always support any cause that may help eliminate it.
So if you have a few minutes, and feel any connection to this cause, please do head to this link:
And Purple Your Profile for Cancer Research!