What It Means to Be Passionate…

January 31, 2014

One of the joys (or curses, depending on how you look at it) of being self-employed is having the ability to step back and really look at the big picture – what it is you want from your life, your business. When I first started on this crazy road of self-employment – little did I realize how much of my life running a business could consume.

So I spent the past year working on balance. One way I did this was by making sure I schedule little times throughout the week that are just for me like my evening writings and solo photo walks or painting breaks. Because what I found out was that it is super easy to constantly be working, to let your job consume you and to lose sight of who you are and why you started this crazy adventure to begin with. I realized that in order to continue being the best version of me and to provide my best quality of work I need to always have some “me” time scheduled in- times to take a break from work and explore myself.

It took me a while to get to this point, but this year I hit a point where I realized that I could walk away from my business tomorrow and not feel bad about it at all. Initially the idea of stopping meant failure to me and I refused to fail at this. But what I realized is that success, well success is whatever I define it to be. Success could be about making a certain amount of money, or having a certain number of sessions each year or it could be about something else entirely. And success is different for everyone – there is no right or wrong way to approach it. As long as you know what your definition of success is and you’re working towards that – you can’t go wrong.

For me – success involves much more than just my business. I chose to run my own business so I could be a stay at home mom and attentive wife. I wanted to be present in my future kids lives. I wanted to be able to stay at home with my kids and still bring in financial support for my family. It was a choice I made long before I actually started this journey as a professional photographer. That choice, to be the best wife and mother I can be, comes first to me. That’s what I define success as. So if this job ever gets in the way of me being a good and loving wife and mother – there will be no hesitation. No ego to deal with. Because ultimately it’s a very simple choice. my family will always come first.

It took me actually sitting down and thinking about all this to realize that if this business wasn’t the right choice. If it caused me to make bad choices, to put work before my family, my kids, my husband, God – I’d have no problem letting it go. Because the reason I became a photographer was to help people. Yes – I love photography – I love art – but I am not a photographer for the glory or excitement – and lord knows it’s not for the money. I became a photographer because I care about people and I saw a hole that I could fill.

I, personally, have found my love for this craft renewed even more this past year. The conscious choice to take time to photograph just for me. To live in the moment and capture the little things I’m grateful for has been hugely beneficial to me. I find myself excited to photograph more and more as I’m getting closer to shooting what I love more regularly – because for me – my best and favorite sessions are… well they’re special. They are the sessions that capture real life moments as they unfold – whether they are happy and laughing or quiet and tearful. Moment that reveal real relationships and connections between couples or families or even the relationships someone has with themself. Because to me – those are the most beautiful moments.

And I think that’s what it means to be passionate about something. That you could walk away from something that was your job completely and without hesitation, but still maintain just as much love and zeal for it. That even when it’s not “work” you still want to do it. Because the motivation is the same. It’s not for fame or glory or money. You do it because that’s what you love. And it’s when you feel the most joyful, the most yourself.

I feel insanely lucky that I get to do what I love for a living, and even more blessed that my love of this hasn’t faded with the building of my business. That I still feel just as passionate about this today as I did when I first started and that I still chose to take time to photograph for myself and not just for my clients. I wish you all the chance to find that one thing that really fills you with joy and sets your soul on fire! And may you find the time to embrace and enjoy it often!

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