Some New Marketing Pieces…
So I hoping by now a lot of you have seen the new website. (If you haven’t yet, I’d love for you to hop on over and take a peek!) Now that the website’s done I thought I would share a few new marketing pieces I’ve put together for this year.
I was really needing to update my business card to match my branding and I was having trouble deciding on what picture to use for the back of it. I mean, how was I supposed to pick one image to capture all the different types of photography I do? Well I finally got this great idea from a friend of mine to create a folded business card. (Why didn’t I think of that?!) Now I can display an assortment of images on the inside and still get that simplistic look I love! So here’s the new business card:

I also have the new senior fliers printed up and ready to start mailing out to parents sometime around the end of May. I love putting these senior handouts together every year! I only wish I had enough room to show off all of my seniors! It’s so hard deciding who to put in the booklet! Here’s this years design:
Around this time every year I do a drawing for a free senior photo session with me. I had a lot more guys and gals enter the drawing this year and I’m so excited to announce that Gretchen Vandercar won a free session with me this year! I can’t wait to do Gretchen’s senior photos!
Well one more little thing I designed for myself. This one is completely for me, not a marketing piece or anything. But I really like creating my own wallpaper for my computer and I’d been using the same one I’d had for a while now. So I decided it was time to update my wallpaper to match my branding and incorporate some of this year’s photos. So here’s my new desktop background:
Well have a wonderful Wednesday!
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