Seven Years Past the Fire
Wednesday (October 10) marks the seven year anniversary of the day we lost everything in a house fire. It’s interesting because although that was a very real and life-altering experience – the benefits of it have far outweighed the heartaches of it. Sometimes I think that’s a gift of sorts… to be able to step away from the pain or the loss and see the joys and blessings that have come from it…
I remember when we first looked at the house here. We were so excited to purchase our first home out in the country. We loved our little quiet home on 3/4 of an acre in the country. In a way it was a dream… to not be in town. To have a space all our own. But the house here had so many problems… problems we couldn’t keep up with… it seemed like every time we got one thing fixed something else fell apart or a new previously hidden problem would come to light. So while the fire was not something I’d wish on anyone – it gave us a chance to start over… a reset. At 27 and 28 years old – we were building our first home… I don’t think many people can say that. Of course we were limited by what we had in insurance on the re-build. But there have been so many days – I’ve woken up, come out to the front room, sat down and looked around and thought, “I cannot believe I get to live here.”
And as we enter year seven since that early morning surprise of smoke and fire, I’m finding myself a bit nostalgic, a bit emotional of sorts. Because the truth is – this is very likely the last anniversary of the fire we will be here. As you guys know – we listed our house in August and put an offer on a house in Decatur that was declined. But regardless – I have a strong feeling that we won’t be here in a year. And while that’s wonderful, while we know this is how God is directing our life, while we’re excited for how the future is unfolding – the thought of not being here does make me sad…
Because we went through so much here. Joys and losses and joys again. We designed every detail of this space – big beautiful picture windows, open floor plan, beautiful Amish-made cabinets, vaulted ceilings, and rooms that are sized to Ryan’s flooring preferences haha. We brought Marlee home here… I will never ever forget Justin coming out in the dark of night to greet us on our arrival and peering into her carseat with a mixture of joy and shock and teary-eyes. I’ve photographed so many families here in our living room (and actually our bedroom). Seven years of life and love happened here…
And I know that we will make anywhere we move a home because this house is just a house – the people in it are what make it home. I truly am excited for what’s ahead and to see where we end up. I know God has big plans in mind for the future. So for now I’m relishing all the little moments we continue to have here until the new adventure begins!