Serrell’s Nine Month Photography | Sullivan, IL

March 18, 2015
Serrell Nine Month

So today I get to share another session with the awesome Price family with all of you! I can hardly believe little Miss Serrell is already nine months old! Where on earth did the time go?! Aside from spending more time with my amazing clients, one of the biggest reasons I love the baby plan – is I know we are capturing all those important moments and milestones for you and your perfect little ones.

This was the first official session I got to shoot for Kyle and Mackinzey in our Kirksville studio. This year I’m officially shooting all indoor sessions here. When we rebuilt our house three years ago – the goal was to be able to have a comfortable, inviting, natural light space to shoot in. And our Kirksville home-studio is perfect for that!

With the exception of a couple pictures below, you’d never know how much Serrell did NOT want to have her portraits taken this day. Poor baby just wanted to snuggle with mama and was in no mood to be photographed. Thankfully we all had some tricks up our sleeves to make sure we got some great photos for Kyle and Macky.

Something I love about kids is that even when they are little – they already have a lot of personality. While Ruey (big sister) and Serrell often look very similar – they are so different! Early on Miss Ruey was energetic and bubbly. And even at Serrell’s three month session you could tell that she’s that baby that’s quietly observant – just absorbing everything around her. I just think it’s so interesting and awesome that at this age – they are already very much their own unique person. And it’s such a blessing to me that I get to capture that and preserve that in my photographs.

As you guys know – I could go on and on about my amazing clients, but I’ll let you just enjoy their portraits instead!

Serrell Nine MonthSerrell Nine MonthSerrell Nine MonthSerrell Nine MonthSerrell Nine MonthSerrell Nine MonthSerrell Nine MonthSerrell Nine MonthSerrell Nine MonthSerrell Nine Month
