Product Feature: The Evergreen Album
As you all know – albums are one of my absolute favorite photography products! I absolutely adore the the concept of combining photographs that tell a story into a storytelling format like a book. It’s an incredible way to capture and preserve memories, and (in my opinion) the perfect way to relive moments past.
This year I’ve revamped some of our album options to better accommodate your needs, and provide you with more options to choose the perfect album for you. Today I’m going to be talking about and showing you one of our classic but revamped albums – the Evergreen Album!
After letting go of weddings last year, I realized that with focusing solely on portraits I have the unique opportunity to choose specific options that will better fit my clients needs. So while the Evergreen Album is not new – it is an updated and improved version of what you are familiar with. First of all, I narrowed the album options down to our two most popular sizes 8×8 and 10×10. As always, it is custom designed and you have the option to add quotes to your album design as well. New things you will notice are the quality has actually improved a little bit from what you’re used to previously. But my absolute favorite upgrade to the Evergreen Album is the beautiful wooden album box that your one-0f-a-kind album is packaged in. I wanted a special place for you to be able to store your cherished keepsake and these wooden boxes fulfill that task perfectly!
I’m super excited to see what you all think of the new upgrades to the album! I, for one, am super excited about it! I personally am in love with the quality and craftsmanship and I’m head over heels for that wooden box! I hope you enjoyed catching a little glimpse at the upgrades to the album you all have loved for the past five years! Keep your eyes peeled for our next product feature headed your way soon!