National Foodwork Services Product Shoot
When my former boss, Mike Carr of Hendricks & Carr Marketing, calls – I’m always thrilled to grab my gear and head out to help. Mike called me in because he had got some new photography gear and things weren’t syncing up properly. Since he was working on a deadline and the part he needed wasn’t going to arrive quickly enough, I pulled out my camera and took the shots he needed.
I’m sure you recall the previous couple of shoots I’ve done for National Foodworks Services. This is the first full product shoot I’ve done for them. Mike had some brownie and cookie desserts from NFS that we needed images of. So we set everything up and got Mike the shots he needed. Not gonna lie – I got to try a couple of these at the one of the previous sessions and there desserts are really tasty! Right now they have M&M cookies, chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, sprinkle cookies, oatmeal raisin cookies, snickerdoodle cookies, brownies, M&M brownies and walnut brownies. That’s a pretty tasty line up!
So here’s the quick little peek behind the scenes!