Mother’s Day 2014
Well today brings round another Mother’s Day! Like kids everywhere – we are spending this Sunday showing our mom’s how much we love and appreciate them. It’s hard work being a mom. You carry this tiny precious being inside you for 9 months and they come into the world screaming and perfect. Little beings that you would literally move mountains for, and you watch them grow up. Each year they get a little older, a little bigger, a little more independent. You watch them need you less and less. They start to develop their own opinions and go out and have their own life experiences – some of them good, some bad. You want nothing more for their life to be simple, easy, and struggle free. But to do this would be to deny them the right to live life to the fullest. So there’s nothing you can do but helplessly watch and be ready to be a listening ear, a compassionate heart, a proud parent, and a shoulder to cry on when needed.
It took me growing up and being an actual grown up with bills to pay and a house to keep, before I realized how hard a job my mom really had. Though not a mom yet, growing up and getting married gave me a new perspective on the job title of mother. I know now how much work it is to keep a house clean, how tiresome it can be to try and come up with meals for everyone, how difficult the balance of wanting to nurture your children and teach them discipline and responsibility. It may sound terrible, but it took me growing up to fully understand that my mom is more than a mom – she is a person with worries, feelings, personal struggles. She has a past – growing up on a farm and deciding to go to college to become a nurse & get her masters degree where she met my dad. There is so much more to her than just my mom and as each year goes by I get to know her more and more and understand her better. My love and respect for this amazing woman gets deeper and more profound. It truly is a blessing to call her my mom.
So this Mother’s Day – I hope you are getting to spend some time with the special mom in your life and let her know how much you care!