LSA Girls Volleyball – JV and Varsity

September 22, 2014
2014 LSA Varsity Girls Volleyball

I’m so happy I finally managed to make it to one of the LSA Girls Volleyball games. A couple weeks ago I thought I was showing up just in time for the beginning of the Varsity game, but I must goofed up my times because the game was ending. So this time I made sure I was there in time to get some shots for both the Varsity and JV Girls games.

Volleyball is something I’ve only begun to start learning about in the past couple years as I’ve been doing photography for LSA. I wasn’t an exceptional athlete so volleyball wasn’t something I ever got into so I’m gradually learning the rules and how the game is played. I do enjoy watching it though. Especially since some of my awesome seniors are on the team – shout out to Kayley and Caitlin (and Kayley’s little sister Kassie too)! And Tuesday night’s games last week were fantastic! They were exciting and close games where the girls really got to show off their control over the ball, their team work and skill. It was awesome watching them celebrate each other’s successful points! I think volleyball is so hard – you have to be really focused in on what’s going on and predict where the ball is going to end up and whose job it is to go for the ball too. I am not incredibly skilled with hand-eye coordination so to me – I think these girls are outstanding!

I photographed both the JV and Varsity teams on Tuesday and I figured let’s just go ahead and show them both off today! I’ve got the JV Girl’s game first and then Varsity next.

If you’re interested in viewing all the pictures from the Volleyball game – head over to our LSA online gallery where you can view and order any pictures you would like. I try to keep them updated as I go to each event so if you see a post here – there’s a good chance there’s a gallery going live for that shortly after! 🙂

2014 LSA JV Girls Volleyball2014 LSA Varsity Girls Volleyball

    1 comment

  • Laurie Hockaday Ellis
    September 22, 2014

    Trying to view vArsity pictures. They won’t open up?

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