LSA 2016 Graduation
Now it’s LSA’s turn. I have mad love for this school! These kids, their parents, the faculty and staff – they are always so amazingly kind and so incredibly good to work with. I love getting to know these young people year after year and watching them grow and achieve such amazing heights!
Like last year, I attended the rehearsal the Thursday before graduation. The seniors all come to run through the plan for graduation and they come dressed in their cap and gowns. So it’s a perfect opportunity to get a nice class photo and individual portraits of the seniors. Plus it’s nice for me to see how they’re going to walk through graduation too so that I can be prepared.
Here’s a just a few from Thursday last week. To see the full gallery and order your senior’s portrait – head on over to:
Then on Friday, we’re back for the actual graduation. I always like to get there a little early so I can adequately prepare and be ready for when they march in. I always try to capture each graduate as they walk in… the gym’s a little dark so it can be a bit tricky. We had our welcome and speeches by the valedictorian and salutatorian. We had a song performed by the choir. And then each of the graduates walked across that stage and received their diplomas.
It was such a joy to be present to watch these young ladies and men make that transition from high schoolers to college students. And I’m sure they have big, bright, amazing things ahead of them! Here’s just a tiny peek at the graduation. To see the full gallery and order – head on over to: