I am so excited to share this sweet little man’s newborn session with all of you today! I was so excited when his mama, Whitney, called me to tell me Holden had arrived! Whitney is the sister of another one of my amazing clients, the incredibly sweet, Mackinzey, whose love story and family I’ve been …
The Journal
Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone has stayed safe and warm with this reason bout of cold, crazy winter weather! Ryan and I were quite efficiently stuck until yesterday afternoon. As I’ve mentioned before – one of the pros and cons of living in the country is getting snowed in. With the wide open spaces …
Over the past year, I’ve been working on a few side projects for myself and for others. It’s something that keeps my passion going. And I’m so excited to be able to offer my first product for fellow photographers today! I am primarily a natural light photographer, so often this means that the sky gets …
Every year, I get all dolled up, buy Ryan a new shirt and we head out to get our own portraits taken. I refuse to be the photographer who has no portraits with the people she loves. So every year for the past five years I’ve made sure we get updated photos, whether it’s with …
It’s something not many people know about me. But I enjoy writing from time to time. I mean, yes… I write on here but I feel like a lot of times that’s different. See, I’m an introvert. (Another thing a lot of people don’t realize.) I hate being the center of attention. When I did …
Wow! It honestly is super hard to believe we’ve already reached the end of 2013 and have now entered the new year. Where on Earth did this year go?As it is the dawning of a new day and year, and I’m off celebrating Christmas with my grandma, I thought today would be the perfect day …
I’m technically still on vacation today, but I wanted to share some amazing ceramic work with you all! I was super blessed to have Justin Groth, the art teacher at LSA, contact me about photographing some ceramics for him. Justin majored in ceramic work in college and he is quite gifted at it, if I …
Well hello there world! If you’ve stopped by my little corner of the internet – you may have noticed some things look a little different 😉 I’m super excited for this coming year and all the possibilities it holds! You may or may not know we are going to have some awesome changes in 2014 …
Happy Monday everyone! I can hardly believe Christmas is only two days away! And if you know me – you know I am really terrible about waiting until Christmas to give gifts. Partly because I know that with Christmas being a family holiday – there’s a really good chance I won’t see my friends until …
It seems I’m a little behind today for getting today’s post to all you. I promise! I have a good reason! hehehe Today’s been another day of a lot of behind the scenes work. I’ve been doing my darnedest to make sure everyone who placed their order in time is getting them before Christmas. I …