This is a post I had sitting in my draft folder for a LONG time… I think I put off sharing it because I worried people would misinterpret. But I figured it was time to share because there seems to be so little knowledge about school photography and how it really works. At this time …
The Journal

I think I may have mentioned this before, but I’ve been blessed to work with a bunch of awesome guys in the class of 2017, and today I get to share another one with you. Nathan is one of my St. Teresa senior guys and I was lucky enough to get to photograph his older …

I’ll be honest and admit that I’ve been hesitant about writing this post. I certainly don’t want to confuse people or lead them to believe that I believe all birth mothers are scam artists or that birth mothers are terrible people. This could not be FURTHER from the truth! I am in awe of the …
If you follow me on Instagram (@greentreemediaphotography), you may have seen that I was out of town over the weekend for a photography conference in Indianapolis. One of the things I have found so wonderful about my job is the friends I have made in my fellow photographers. Many of you know that I consider …
You guys have seen me writing here for a long, long time, sharing our journey through infertility and adoption. And I hope that through all my sharing and writing you’ve seen my heart… my passion for those who struggle… in all areas really. But this journey has given me a huge heart for those who …
Oh guys! I just love this family and I cannot explain how happy it makes me to get to see them year after year! And oh my goodness! I cannot believe how big little miss Gwen is getting! It feels like just yesterday we were doing her newborn portraits. Yet here we are capturing her …
It’s time to share another fine art piece with all of you. This is another piece that is a part of the self-portrait series that I’m calling The Journey. The series deals with emotions and things that have happened along our road of infertility like hope, strength, anger, sorrow, etc… The many moments that comprise …
On Wednesday last week, you got a quick little peek at our LSA shoot. So today I thought I’d share the glimpse into the senior yearbook head shots we took too! You guys get to hear all the time how much I adore the guys and gals at LSA. And I look forward to this …
I know that many of my friends have been seeing me post transformation pictures and information about Plexus quite a bit on my facebook page. It’s so easy to see the changes that have happened in me because they are pretty visual. Losing 70 pounds is no small thing… literally. But there’s something I want …
I don’t have the full shoot for you guys today, but I love these people so much I had to at least post a sneak peek for you all! Ah man! I have serious love for the beautiful people at LSA and so adore every opportunity I get to work with them! And I want …