House Update: July 16, 2012
Well I realized another month has gone by since I last blogged an update on the progress of our home-studio. I’m quite happy to say that we’re getting closer and closer to that move in date. I think this part of the process is the hardest because it looks so much like a home already but there’s still so much yet to do! The house is completely painted, cabinets are in, tile is down in the bathroom, and the underlayment for the wood floors is down is well. They’ve even got most of the electrical done and the air conditioning is finally running as of last week. The hope is to make significant headway in the installation of the flooring this week. So I’m going to do what I can to help the hubby work on that.
Well enough of rambling – here’s just a few pictures for those of you who aren’t following the updates on my facebook page 😉

Well there you have it – sorry for the poor quality photos – most of these were taken with our phones. But it’s nice to have these little updates and be able to share them with all of you! I hope you’re all having a stupendous Monday and I’ll see you back here on Wednesday! 🙂
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