Garrett Karsten Senior Photography | LSA Decatur, IL

November 13, 2014
Garrett Karsten Senior Photography

Check it out! Today I get to share another senior stud with all of you today! And today we’re showing off the awesome Garrett Karsten! Garret is one of my awesome LSA seniors. As you know – I’m the photographer for LSA high school so I have the pleasure of watching my LSA kids at their various sporting events throughout the years. It’s at their consultations and session that I get to know them even more. I so enjoy this opportunity and Garrett is a really cool young man!

Garrett’ enjoys playing sports but his favorite is basketball and he’s a guard on the LSA basketball team. I’m excited to see him play this year as the basketball season is drawing close. He’s also a Pride Leader and in several advanced placement classes at school. When he graduates he plans to go to Richland and study history – maybe writing for a paper or something. He also loves to spend time with his friends and play video games – especially RPGs and first person shooters. I really enjoyed talking comic books with him too!

I met Garrett and his folks at LSA for his senior portraits. Since basketball is his passion we wanted to get some shots of him on the court and did we ever! I had a lot of fun capturing some unique images for him and doing something different, which is always fun. Once we got plenty of cool shots at school we headed out to Rock Springs where we walked around the park and got some pictures in the woods, on the trail and by the pond. And of course we had to include his beautiful lab mix Maisy in some of his portraits too.

It was such a joy getting to know Garrett better and to work with his family! Here’s a peek at some of their favorites!

Garrett Karsten Senior PhotographyGarrett Karsten Senior PhotographyGarrett Karsten Senior Photography


  • Dar Karsten
    November 13, 2014

    Looking good!! Very proud of our grandson! Keep living for Jesus and using your gifts to serve Him and others!

  • Cyndi Moore Kraemer
    November 13, 2014

    Excellent photos!!!

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