Embracing My Smallness
There are days when I embrace my smallness. I’m not talking about my actual height, although at 5’2″ I am a rather small person. What I’m talking about is a feeling… A feeling that often sweeps over me when I’m outside in the midst of nature particularly when I’m in the woods or a park with wide expanses and lots of trees.
I decided the other day to run out to the park and take some pictures of the winter wonderland that is still in full swing here in central IL. It was freezing! No, seriously, it was below freezing, and silly, stubborn me – I headed into the park with my camera to take pictures. There was a heavy blanket of snow over everything, even the trees had a lovely dusting of white. As I walked along where I guessed the path was supposed to be, a deep sense of calm came over me. I had forgotten the feeling of peace that I get from being outdoors, and I think my soul was craving it. What started off as a personal photo trip to the park ended up being a moment or two of comfort for my soul.
I think the smallness I feel outside helps me gain perspective. … Because it doesn’t matter how horrible or great my day has been, I feel peace when I’m outside and I’m reminded of how very insignificant I am. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way either. Just that sometimes it is easy to get caught up in our own lives. There’s so much going on, so much to do, and so much to worry over. It’s so easy to let these things consume us – become these huge ordeals. But when I spend just a few minutes outdoors, I’m reminded that all those things – the worries, the chores, the work, the goals – aren’t as big or great or monumental as the seem. That there are so many more important things and people in this world.
I think that’s what calms me. It takes the pressure off seeing that I am just one more person in that landscape of beings. And it fills me with peace too knowing that there is Someone bigger than me out there watching out for me and taking care of me. I need this subtle reminder more often. I’d forgotten nature’s power over me. So I’m making it my personal goal to seek out times that I can get outdoors, comfort my soul, & embrace my smallness.
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